What Does Our ACAT Credential Mean for You?

A laptop, with the Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation logo on the screen, sitting on a wooden desk, along with a coffee cup, smart phone, notebook, and succulent.

As you know, Money Mastery LLC is a professional accounting firm that offers advisory, management, and compliance services. As dedicated professionals and life-long learners, we recently acquired an Accredited Business Accountant (ABA) credential. Let’s discuss what that could mean for you and your business!

The Accreditation Council of Accountancy and Taxation (ACAT) awards this prestigious credential to professionals who demonstrate command of financial accounting, financial reporting, financial statement preparation, taxation, managerial accounting, business law, and ethics. Money Mastery LLC has always covered your business management needs, and our ABA is simply one more commitment to a higher standard of professionalism. 

Dedicated to Excellence

ACAT evaluates theoretical and practical knowledge and awards credentials to professionals who commit to preparing and passing examinations of technical competence. Taken in two parts, the ABA exam assesses Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Preparation, Presentation and Reporting, Business Consulting Services, Taxation, and Business Law and Ethics. Tax preparers and accountants are not required to hold an ACAT credential, but we firmly believe that your financial well-being should be managed by a practitioner with proven credentials.

Experienced in the Field

The ACAT credential also requires three or more years of professional service. As a self-proclaimed “professional nerd” Amanda Chestnut has worked exclusively in Accounting, Business Administration, Finance and Tax since earning her law degree. Money Mastery LLC can navigate real-life, accounting and taxation scenarios with you, in the best interest of your business.

Ethical Above All Else

ACAT credential holders volunteer to uphold the ethical standards outlined in the Council’s code of ethics. Money Mastery LLC’s ABA credential reaffirms its long-standing commitment to confidentiality, transparency, and peace of mind. Trustworthiness is the foundation of exceptional customer service. 

Our commitment to you will always match our commitment to continuing education. Contact us with your questions, or to book an appointment.

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